Pregnancy Weight Management

Pregnancy weight management can be stressful.

The weight loss experts at our Cary weight loss center are dedicated to helping women manage their weight before, during, and after pregnancy. Our healthcare professionals will determine how much weight a pregnant woman should gain and work with her to implement a healthy lifestyle.

By making diet and exercise a priority during pregnancy, women will support their baby’s health while making it easier to shed the extra pounds after the baby is born. Here is some information on pregnancy weight management.

Making Healthy Decisions Before Pregnancy

Women who take care of their health by eating a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis can benefit from reduced health risks for both themselves and their babies during pregnancy. Those who eat healthy prior to becoming pregnant will help their bodies meet the nutritional needs of their developing baby when they do become pregnant.

Women who are physically fit before getting pregnant are also more prepared for the physical challenges of pregnancy and labor.  Additionally, women in good shape before pregnancy will enjoy more energy and fewer pains during their pregnancies.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight During Pregnancy

It’s very important for women to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy. Women who control their eating and exercise habits can avoid complications during pregnancy and make the childbirth process easier.

To practice a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, women should focus on eating nutritious foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium, and protein. Salty and fried foods as well as alcohol, soft drinks, chocolate, and other caffeinated items should be avoided.

Pregnant women should also perform mild to moderate exercises on a regular basis in addition to taking physician prescribed prenatal vitamins.

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Although it can be difficult to lose weight after having a baby, it certainly is possible with the right diet and exercise habits. To achieve a healthy weight post pregnancy, women should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber rich foods while minimizing their intake of fast food, sweets, and fatty foods.

Aside from a healthy diet, women should start with daily gentle exercises such as stretching or walking and eventually practice more strenuous exercises once they have recovered from birth. Group fitness classes as well as exercising with a baby are also great ways to lose pregnancy weight.

At our weight loss clinic in Cary, our weight loss experts will work with you to ensure that pregnancy doesn’t take a toll on your body and overall health. We will create a customized diet and exercise plan that will make your life before, during, and after pregnancy easier and healthier. Contact us today for more information.